Classifieds in Akbar, Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
- 4K Cars
- 7K Car parts
- 1K Boats, Yachts and Parts
- 5K Motorcycles and Parts
- 1K Kids’ products & Toys
- 1K Clothes
- 6K Garden & House
- 3K Furniture
- 8K Refrigerators, ovens etc.
- 14K Computers and Parts
- 8K TV games & PC games
- 2K Movies & Music
- 2K Photo & Cameras
- 10K Audio and Video
- 3K Phones
Leisure Time & Hobbies
- 1K Books
- 8K Pets and Animals
- 5K Hobbies & Collectors
- 5K Music instruments
- 10K Sport

PHP 300
Aircon refrrigeration repair installation dismantel relocation ref
Home services.
Monday to Saturday
Even holiday
8 am -...
PHP 1,500
surveyor geodetic engineer relocation survey location lot plan
Before closing transactions, building houses and the like, it is best to check the boundaries of the lot and double...
PHP 300
compressor replacement refrigeration service airconcleaning relocation
we service at any point of metro manila
our good services are:
> aircon cleaning
> aircon preventive maintenance
PHP 1,500
lot plan geodetic engineer surveyor topographic relocation
Licensed geodetic engineer
Lot plan preparation
Relocation / boundary survey
Topographic survey
PHP 1,500
surveyor geodetic engineer relocation survey location lot plan
Before closing transactions, building houses and the like, it is best to check the boundaries of the lot and double...
PHP 5,000
Sony location free live streaming router
Sony Location free
live streaming wifi router/may a/v etc
unit and adaptor
no cd installer but software can freely...
PHP 5,000
Sony location free live streaming router
Sony Location free
live streaming wifi router/may a/v etc
unit and adaptor
no cd installer but software can freely...
PHP 1,500
Billiard table Repair Billiard Repair Transfer location change cloth
Maker of Crown Billiards Table
We also accept all kinds of repair, change felt/tapete, change cushion/banda,change...
PHP 1,500
lot plan subdivision relocation topographic surveyor
Subdivision survey with denr approval
Lot subdivision
Relocation survey or boundary survey
Topographic survey
PHP 100
relocation subdivision resurvey lot plan surveyor surveying
Subdivision survey
Relocation or boundary verification survey
Topographic survey
Location plan/ lot plan
PHP 300
Aircon Cleaning Services and Repair Aircon relocation installation
Service offered
Cleaning all types of aircon
Installation and dismantling
Leak repair and recharging freon
PHP 1,500
lot plan geodetic engineer surveyor topographic relocation
Licensed geodetic engineer
Lot plan preparation
Relocation / boundary survey
Topographic survey
PHP 1,500
lot plan geodetic engineer surveyor topographic relocation
Licensed geodetic engineer
Lot plan preparation
Relocation / boundary survey
Topographic survey
PHP 250
Adhesive Wallpapers LOCATION DELIVERY Cebu City Mandaue Talisay Lapu2x
Wall Paper -Size: 45cm width x 10meters per Roll
(approximate 45 sqft per roll)
You can do it your...
PHP 1,500
Billiard table Repair Billiard Repair Transfer location change cloth
Maker of Crown Billiards Table
We also accept all kinds of repair, change felt/tapete, change cushion/banda,change...
PHP 1,500
surveyor geodetic engineer relocation survey location lot plan
Before closing transactions, building houses and the like, it is best to check the boundaries of the lot and double...
PHP 5,000
Sony location free live streaming router
Sony Location free
live streaming wifi router/may a/v etc
unit and adaptor
no cd installer but software can freely...
PHP 5,000
Sony location free live streaming router
Sony Location free
live streaming wifi router/may a/v etc
unit and adaptor
no cd installer but software can freely...
PHP 1,500
lot plan geodetic engineer surveyor topographic relocation
Licensed geodetic engineer
Lot plan preparation
Relocation / boundary survey
Topographic survey
PHP 100
relocation subdivision resurvey lot plan surveyor surveying
Subdivision survey
Relocation or boundary verification survey
Topographic survey
Location plan/ lot plan
PHP 1,500
lot plan geodetic engineer surveyor topographic relocation
Licensed geodetic engineer
Lot plan preparation
Relocation / boundary survey
Topographic survey
PHP 1,500
lot plan geodetic engineer surveyor topographic relocation
Licensed geodetic engineer
Lot plan preparation
Relocation / boundary survey
Topographic survey
PHP 3,200
ARMS and Fire Emblem Warriors for Switch Bundle (QC location)
Original price of the two games is Php 5,500.
Hindi ko na nilalaro kaya bebenta ko nalang. Nasa 10 hrs. lng playtime...
PHP 100
relocation subdivision resurvey lot plan surveyor surveying
Subdivision survey
Relocation or boundary verification survey
Topographic survey
Location plan/ lot plan
PHP 100
relocation subdivision resurvey lot plan surveyor surveying
Subdivision survey
Relocation or boundary verification survey
Topographic survey
Location plan/ lot plan
PHP 1,500
Billiard table Repair Billiard Repair Transfer location change cloth
Maker of Crown Billiards Table
We also accept all kinds of repair, change felt/tapete, change cushion/banda,change...
PHP 270
Cleaning aircon pulldown and relocation split type taguig makati pasay
Call us now!0915-9580-298/ 09222-132-646
Window type
Split type
Ceiling mounted
Ceiling cassette
Floor mounted
PHP 100
relocation subdivision resurvey lot plan surveyor surveying
Subdivision survey
Relocation or boundary verification survey
Topographic survey
Location plan/ lot plan
PHP 100
relocation subdivision resurvey lot plan surveyor surveying
Subdivision survey
Relocation or boundary verification survey
Topographic survey
Location plan/ lot plan
PHP 100
relocation subdivision resurvey lot plan surveyor surveying
Subdivision survey
Relocation or boundary verification survey
Topographic survey
Location plan/ lot plan
PHP 300
AUX SUPPLY AIRCON cleaning repair installation service relocation
We Offered
*Home services Cleaning and Repair
*Installation all types...
PHP 300
AUX SUPPLY AIRCON cleaning repair installation service relocation
We Offered
*Home services Cleaning and Repair
*Installation all types...
PHP 5,000
Sony location free live streaming router
Sony Location free
live streaming wifi router/may a/v etc
unit and adaptor
no cd installer but software can freely...
PHP 1,000
lot plan location plan geodetic surveyor
Location plan
Lot plan
Subdivision survey with DENR approval
Relocation survey
Topographic survey
PHP 1,500
Billiard table Repair Billiard Repair Transfer location change cloth
Maker of Crown Billiards Table
We also accept all kinds of repair, change felt/tapete, change cushion/banda,change...
PHP 1,500
lot plan geodetic engineer surveyor topographic relocation
Licensed geodetic engineer
Lot plan preparation
Relocation / boundary survey
Topographic survey
PHP 100
relocation subdivision resurvey lot plan surveyor surveying
Subdivision survey
Relocation or boundary verification survey
Topographic survey
Location plan/ lot plan
PHP 1,500
Billiard table Repair Billiard Repair Transfer location change cloth
Maker of Crown Billiards Table
We also accept all kinds of repair, change felt/tapete, change cushion/banda,change...

PHP 270
Cleaning aircon pulldown and relocation split type taguig makati pasay
Call us now!0915-9580-298/ 09222-132-646
Window type
Split type
Ceiling mounted
Ceiling cassette
Floor mounted

PHP 1,000
lot plan location plan geodetic surveyor
Location plan
Lot plan
Subdivision survey with DENR approval
Relocation survey
Topographic survey